Alpha 5 Smart is produced for smart users. This servo system will enable your machines to have smart adjustment, smart design and smart operations anytime anywhere. Advanced auto-tuning function and robust performance for unprecedented smart adjustment will create high efficiency as well as great performance in your production system.
- Smart adjustment: Advanced auto-tuning function and robust performance for unprecedented smart adjustment
- Smart design: Inherits the main features of ALPHA5. Highly adaptable smart design
- Smart operation: The new Servo Operator allows smart operation anytime anywhere
- High Performance: High-speed, high-precision positioning
- Frequency response 1500 Hz
- Max motor speed 6000 r / min
- High-resolution encoder
- 18-bit ABS/INC 262,144 pulses
- 20-bit INC 1,048,576 pulses
- High Value: Higher cost-performance with original main features
- High Usability: New servo operator offers improved usability


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